Hamilton College in the Press

Last summer, the Kirkland Project for the Study of Gender, Society, and Culture, an on-campus organization at Hamilton College (where Aram is studying) invited Ward Churchill to give a lecture to around 150 students tomorrow (3 Feb). Mr. Churchill had previously offended many an American by sharing his views about the 9/11 disaster in an article he wrote, comparing the United States’ 10 year offensive against Iraq to Hitler’s invasion of Russia and neighbouring countries. When Fox News (“Fair and balanced” my arse, they’re owned by Rupert Murdoch) got wind of this invitation and, of course, made a great fuss about it, the college was deluged by protests and eventually had to cancel the appearance of this controversial character because of credible death threats directed at Ward and Hamilton officials. Ward was even planning on donning a bullet-proof jacket and was to have two body guards!

I find it incredible how the US moulds itself as the keeper of world democracy, a “free country”, and all sorts of other things and, simultaneously, manages to harbour such truly hateful citizens angry about someone simply trying to exercise their right to free speech (even if the whole nation feels so strongly about the subject and the article was very provocative). Hamilton has a very interesting news page about the subject, which has generated an extraordinary amount of hate mail and such remarkable fliers as this one.

So instead of offering the chance to 150 interested students to listen to Ward’s views, if they wanted to, the university was forced to cancel the speech because of the immense threat of violence.

More sensationalist stories, and one slightly more balanced (free reg. required) about the event.

Linux Software RAID Hack

You need to install a piece of software that requires 66GB of free space, but you don’t have that much in one place. Sure, you have 30GB free on one partition, and another 40Gb free on another, but the installer will still complain about the lack of space. How do you combine the free space on those two parititions into a new, much larger partition, without reformatting the existing partitions?
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Un peu de Français?

Petite Anglaise has to be one of the funniest weblogs out there. Her latest blog entry, caramel shoe shoe, recounts the twisting of the English language that occurs when in the hands of the French. We’re not talking “chien chaud” (hot dog) but more “ambeurgueur” type. How the Académie Française can complain so much about the use of English words is beyond me: as soon as the French get a hold of them they are no longer English!

Dying Hard Drives

Does this ring any bells? This time at least it’s not my server, so this blog is here to stay… I hope! Nope, it’s Gromit, my PowerBook, and the hard drive has been making grinding noises and running very slowly. I phoned Apple and while it’s still under warranty, I’m not sure I can wait a week or so while it gets fixed. Even then I’d only end up with a 40GB drive, as I have now, which just isn’t enough for the things I use it for. So I’m considering just buying my own replacement and doing it myself, so that I can get a bigger drive, and possibly a faster one too while we’re at it! Let’s hope I don’t cock it all up again…

Another thing that gets me is the sheer price of laptop hard drive. With £80 I can get myself a 200GB desktop hard drive, or bigger even. The same amount of money, I can only get myself an 80GB laptop hard drive. Where’s the justice in that?!

The Second Coming

After the tragic disappearance of my previous blog, I have finally got round to working on a brand new one. This time, I hope I’ll post slightly more often (ha ha!) and maybe, if you’re lucky, you’ll have something interesting to read too! As for the design, I’ve settled for what I had done with my Work in Progress page, and I’ll begin incorporating that as soon as possible.

I was working on my own blogging system but I realised that this would take a long time to get working correctly—time that I don’t have. So I decided to go with WordPress, a really neat little blogging system that beats the pants out of MovableType. I might hack it to pieces for it to work more how I want, but it does most of it out the box, to be honest.
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